Theses with international collaborations:
Theses on risk and resilience assessment of complex systems and critical infrastructures:
Development of a neural network for Critical Heat Flux predictions (with CEA, France)
Real-Time Condition-Informed Safety Assessment of a Microreactor (with MIT, USA)
Inverse Uncertainty Quantification with Deep Learning Surrogate Models of Accident Scenarios in Nuclear Microreactors (with MIT, USA)
Development of a Digital Twin of a Nuclear Microreactor: on the Multi-fidelity
Uncertainty Quantification (with MIT, USA)
Advanced uncertainty quantification models for the prediction of critical/safety parameters in nuclear power systems by artificial intelligence (EGMUP Task force on AI/ML)
Interpretability and explainability of artificial intelligence models for the prediction of the critical/safety parameters in nuclear power systems (EGMUP Task force on AI/ML)
Theses on reliability assessment:
Theses on Prognostics and Health Management for Predictive Maintenance:
Artificial Intelligence-Based Prescriptive Maintenance by Federated Learning (with CNR and CERN)
Theses with industrial partners (with possibility of stage)
Theses on risk and resilience assessment of complex systems and critical infrastructures:
Electrical network resilience (with ARAMIX Srl, Italy)
Theses on reliability assessment:
Theses on Prognostics and Health Management for Predictive Maintenance:
Theses internal at LASAR:
Theses on risk and resilience assessment of complex systems and critical infrastructures:
Large Language Models for Risk Assessment of Industrial Systems
Methods for the evaluation and optimization of the resilience of systems, plants and infrastructures
Climate change impact on the risk assessment of energy production plants
Enabling the Resilience of Integrated Energy Systems to Tsunami by Early Warning Hazard Nowcasting
Theses on Prognostics and Health Management for Predictive Maintenance:
Physics-informed Neural Networks for Fault Prognostics of Equipment
Transfer Learning Methods for Reliability Predictions in Nuclear Power Systems
Development of eXplainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) methods for time series analysis
Causality-Enhanced Artificial Intelligence for Explainable Predictive Maintenance in the Industry
Kolmogorov-Arnold Networks for Fault Diagnostics in Industrial Systems
Federated Learning Networks in Predictive Maintenance
Theses on Reliability Assessment
Graph Neural Networks for Predictions in Critical Infrastructures