All GREYDIENT ESRs at POLIMI’s Energy Department

The GREYDIENT consortium gathered in person for the fourth time since the start of the project. This time, the event was held in Milan at the headquarters of the POLIMI’s Energy Department, and the LASAR team was in charge of the organization.

During the first two days, the ESRs shared updates about their work and got insightful feedback from their colleagues. Leonardo Miqueles (ESR 5) presented about grey-box digital twins and their applications to the risk monitoring and control of nuclear power plants. Juan-Pablo Futalef (ESR 6) explained how to “greyfy” cyber-physical systems and generate scenarios efficiently.

Prof. Di Maio talks about research collaboration and thanks all GREYDIENT attendants for their cooperation

Besides the updates, the ESRs attended trainings on topics such as multi-agent simulations, sensitivity analysis, Bayesian networks, and design thinking. Professionals in charge of these trainings were Prof. Gyunyoung Heo (Kyung Hee Uni.) , Prof. Stefano Magistretti (POLIMI), Prof. Emanuele Borgonovo (Bocconi Uni.), and Prof. Ibrahim Ahmed (POLIMI).

The ESRs also shared experiences and brought up ideas about improving collaboration and the overall experience within the network… and visited the National Museum of Science and Technology Leonardo Da Vinci!

Attendants watching the GREYDIENT movie during the dinner’s event

The next GREYDIENT event will be in Thessaloniki, Greece, and Aristotle University of Thessaloniki is in charge of the organization.

For more GREYDIENT information, check out it’s website.
